All images (except where noted), audio files, printed music and text are Copyrighted by David Adam Smith, d/b/a DAS Works. All publishing and reproduction rights reserved © 2016 - Omnia iura sibi vindicat auctor.
All audio files, sample printed music, images, and text included in this website in all formats are protected under international copyright law. Reproduction or other use of the audio files, images, printed music, or text, without the express written authorization of David Adam Smith is strictly prohibited. Please understand that copyright does not transfer to buyer upon sale. All rights pertaining to this Copyright notice remains with the composer.
The Copyright Act gives the Copyright owner, in this case, the composer, the exclusive right to reproduce or modify their work. This means you may not download, scan, print, copy or crop/edit any of the audio files, images, printed music, or text even if you have paid for and physically own the audio files, images, printed music, or text. Copyright remains with the composer for his lifetime plus 50 years before entering the public domain.